Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sick Day

I didn't go to work yesterday. I am not sure if I was sick or if I just lost all desire to work. Here's an overview... I work up bright and early and started getting ready for work. As I sat by the window, putting my makeup on, I noticed that it was a beautiful day. I told John that I wanted to stay home and work on housework. I think he would have been fine with that, but I went to work anyways. On my way to work I started feeling sick to my stomach. Morning sickness? Who knows! I stayed at work about an hour and then decided to go home. I crawled back into bed and slept until 11AM when I got a MK phone call. Then I decided to run an errand and eat lunch. Then I came back home and went back to bed and slept until 5PM. At that point I still had no energy, so instead of working on housework I watched a movie. When John got home, I think he was a bit annoyed because I was not sick when I said I wanted to stay home in the first place. I think, as a pregnant woman, I am entitled to change my mind though, especially when I start feeling sick. I think that maybe I just over did it on the weekend. I feel fine now, so all is well except that our house is still a mess, all of our clothes are dirty, and we still have no groceries!

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