Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My Toe

For the last week or more my big toe on my left foot has been hurting something awful! It hurts to bend it, to bump it, or just put much pressure on it. I first thought maybe I slipped on some ice and sprained it, but I think I would have remembered that. Then I assumed that it has something to do with my back hurting, which is because everything is shifting around in my body to make room for Baby Riggs. So maybe I am over compensating for my back and in turn it is making my toe hurt. However, tonight I discovered the reason (which has nothing to do with either theory!) I discovered that the heel of my black open back loafer-type shoes is cracked and each time I put my weight on it, it sort of squishes down to the left. Therefore, when I walk, my left foot is doing a funny tilting motion, causing my toe injury. I am surprised that it took this long for me to notice my shoe is broken.

The big problem is that I wear these shoes almost every day, and I don't have any other shoes to wear with my work clothes. Tomorrow will really be the only day I will have to suffer, as Friday is jeans day and then the weekend is here. I was thinking about posting a little PayPal link for people to donate to the "Save My Toe" campaign, but I notice that is not working too well for David and his guitar. Instead, feel free just to give me a call and offer to take me shopping. Better yet, just post your credit card number with expiration date in the comments section, and I'll take care of it in my spare time. Just keep in mind that I will need new shoes by Monday!

Thanks in advance to all who contribute!


Sarah Rahija said...

Chelle, if this works for you, PLEASE let me know! I need some new shoes too, but mainly because mine are very scuffed up :) So I guess the cause is not so noble, but if so, I will try a campaign all my own! Hope you don't have to be up and around much tomorrow and make the toe worse! If you have stickers or buttons, let me know, and I'll be a passer-outer of such propaganda. Love you!

Krista said...

Chelle... I'll take you shopping, but you'll have to come to Tulsa!! Doesn't that sound fun?!! I really need to invest in some new work clothes, too. Boy.. I feel like I wear the same thing day after today. After deliberating in front of the closet for quite a while this morning, I finally decided to do a "mix-n-match" thing - this skirt, that shirt, that suit coat. Feeling a bit awkward, I headed to work. Wouldn't you know it... I got more compliments today than I do with my "old faithfuls." Maybe I don't need more clothes... just more creativity! :) Anyway - come on down! We'll take care of you!