Friday, February 25, 2005

This and That

I guess my writing goes in spurts. I do real good for a week or so, and then... nothing. I have actually thought of fun things to blog about, but as I am sitting here I can think of... nothing. John and I have ordered Chinese from the new restaurant down the street. I hope it is good because I am hungry! John is watching Enterprise because he is a Star Trek junkie. Well, not the type that go to conventions and dress up as a Klingon, but he has a scanner, phaser, and a comm-badge, so you get the picture.

Baby Riggs is doing well. We had a check up on Valentine's Day. Dr. Wootton had trouble picking up the baby's heart beat with the Doppler, so we had a quick sonogram. He/She actually looks like a baby and not a lima bean like last time! It was amazing to see him/her wiggling around. Since we were looking I asked if she could tell the baby's sex. She gave it her best, but stubborn little Baby Riggs was butt down and wouldn't let us take a peek! Oh well, our next appointment is March 21st and we will get to do another sonogram, so maybe then!

Well, I took a break for dinner, and the Chinese was pretty good! It's nice to have something else delivered besides pizza! Then again, maybe we should just get our grocery shopping done so we have some food around here. I think I will do that tomorrow! Good night!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Welcome back to the land of the blogging. :)