Monday, December 19, 2005

'Tis the Season

I am not ready for Christmas yet. It took us a week to get the Christmas tree up and we still need to put all of the ornaments on it! I have a few other decorations put up, but I think I need to finish cleaning the house before I can finish decorating. I thought that I had plenty of time to get things done, but it just dawned on me yesterday that I only have week nights left to finish! Where did all of the weekends go? I haven't even begun shopping because I have to wait until payday on Friday... and that is the day everyone is coming to our home! I am excited to host Christmas at our house this year, but maybe I should have thought this through and made a plan! Oh well, 'tis the season!

Is that correct? 'tis? I mean an apostophe usually replaces missing letters or numbers like 'til or '05, but what is 'tis short for? It is? If so, wouldn't it be 't_is? No, that doesn't look right either. I wonder if spell checker will flag it?

Wow, this spell checker is not very good. It said that I spelled apostophe wrong, but had no similar suggestions. I went into word, and it said that it's spelled correctly. It also said that 'tis and 'til are correct too. David - I hope you are not putting much faith in this spell checker!


Krista said...

I know this is a slow reply, but I'm just now getting caught up on the family blogs. I believe it's "apostrophe." You were missing the "r." :)

Glad to hear from you in blog-land.

Michelle said...

I don't know how I managed that! I apparently went into MS Word and typed it correctly, but managed to mistype it twice in the blog. That would just be a typing error, as I know that apostrophe has an "r" in it. But, let's go back to the point that spell check could have figured that one out, but instead it didn't have any similar suggestions!

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