Thursday, May 26, 2005

Doctor's Orders

I was in a bit of trouble at the Doctor's office today. First, Dr. Wootton's nurse, Ruth asked me if I was going to get a lot of rest over the long weekend. I replied that I would be staying pretty busy since we just closed on our house yesterday. She drilled it into me that I need to take it easy and not to over do it. Then I went in to see Mary, who administers my NSTs (non-stress tests) and at the end of our session she asked if we had any plans for the weekend. I told her about our new house and that we were going to do some painting and fixing up before moving in a couple of weeks. She suddenly had the same expression that Ruth had earlier! She said I was definitely not to do any painting or heavy lifting, and that I should really not be doing much. I reassured her that we have lots of friends and family that have volunteered to help out, so I could just sit back and supervise. She reinforced that she did not want me coming in on Monday for my next NST and have to be put in the hospital because I over did it!

So, there you have it! I think I will sit back, relax, and eat bon-bons while my dearest friends and family slave over my old and new homes...Doctor's orders!

Oh, and thanks to those of you who have volunteered to help!

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