Can you believe it??? Natalie's first birthday is this Tuesday!!! I am in shock! Where did the last 12 months go? John and I are amazed every day by how much our little girl is growing and changing. She is so close to walking! She pulls up on everything and when she gets distracted by the object she is holding, she will let go and stand on her own for 10 - 20 seconds at a time! She is also quite the climber! Now that she has mastered the stairs she is scaling everything! There is a Rubbermaid tub against the wall in Natalie's bedroom. It is covered with a blanket and on top is a CD player so Natalie can listen to her lullaby music when she goes to bed. Yesterday I was sitting on the floor next to the tub. Natalie proceeded to climb up on the tub using my leg as a step. She hung on to the CD player as she worked her way around the top of the tub. If only I had the camera with me! I can just imagine the future and walking into the next room where she had been playing on the floor and finding her on top of the entertainment center or hanging from the ceiling fan!!! People keep reminding us that when she starts walking, we will be chasing her all over. I have a feeling that we had better get some rest, because she's gonna wear us out!!!